Teens' Camp 2024 organised by Pullannivila Brethren Assembly started as a
little spark of thought in the hearts of the brethren of our assembly - to
raise young ones in the ways of the Lord. It seemed impossible to many but
we were strong in our faith in the Lord who is able to make the impossible
possible. We thank and praise God for the oneness of all our hearts in
working together to make this thought a reality.
The background work for the camp started early in the month of October
2023, where we, the members of Pullannivila Brethren Assembly divided the
duties and responsibilities among ourselves, forming various teams. The
logo was designed, prayer points were accumulated, the hunt for a camping
spot began, registration form was made, prayer teams were active - where
even our little ones pleaded to the Lord for various needs for the camp.
This soon became the talk of the town with the much awaited auctions and
biriyani sales. We thankfully remember that though we were imperfect in
every way, God blessed the work of His people. We also remember that
during these times, working to meet the various needs of the camp, gave
way to stronger fellowship and love among the brethren of this
As the days drew nearer, we could witness the Lord's doing in everything
related to the camp from finding the venue to meeting the financial needs
for the same. We even got opportunities to be trained and boosted by some
of the experienced evangelists in this field.
We all had witnessed with our very own eyes, our heavenly father blessed
the three days of this camp, from April 4th - 6th ,
for everyone, specially the children who came to experience a change in
their lives. They all felt renewed in spirit and left with a note that
they would return the next year. They cherished every moment spent at the
camp - the group classes, one to one counselling sessions, special classes
by passionate men of God, the bonding, the fun and laughter, they loved it
Teens camp 2024 is a standing testimony of Pullannivila Brethren Assembly
where we can say with surety in one voice that
" This is from the Lord and it is marvellous in our eyes ".
May God enable us to continue to serve the Lord in one body and in one
spirit to do more for the expansion of His kingdom, till the Lord's
May we continue to love and support each other to do His will in the days
to come.
Leaving you all with a thought.....
This is just a beginning , there's a long way to go ....
Thank you and God bless each and every one of us.